VASTHI or Medicated Enema

Vasthi Karma is the most important therapy in PanchaKarma Procedures, with a great scope of applicability.
It is meant for the special treatment for Vata Dosha (also for pitta kapha and rakta dosha).

It is specific for treatment of Vatika Vyadhi (Rheumatic Disorders).

Vasthi have the effect of Samshodhana, Samshamana, Anabolic, Catabolic, Restoration of Dhatus, Semen, etc,,, Improves vision, luster, Strength and health…that’s why given much importance in Pancha Karma therapy and is said that VASTHI is the HALF/Whole of the CHIKITSA/TREATMENT.

     The word vasthi is derived from the Vasthi ( animal urinary bladder) which is used to introduce the medicated materials through rectum, urethra and vagina etc..
Classification of Vasthi Karma
Anatomical Classification
a)      Pakwashaya gata ( administered through rectum into pakwashaya)
b)      Garbhashaya gata ( administered through vagina into Uterus)
c)      Mutraashaya gata ( administered through urethra to bladder)
d)      Vrana gata ( for wound, fistula or abscess)
Pharmaceutical Classification
a)      Niruha Vasthi/ Ashtaapana vasthi/ Kashaya Vasthi
b)      Anuvaasana Vathi/ Sneha Vasthi

Pharmacological Classification
a)      Karma Vasthi
b)      Kala Vashti
c)      Yoga Vasthi
d)      Matra vasthi
e)      Madhu thailika vasthi
f)       Kshara vasthi, vaitharana vasthi etc…

According to Susruthacharya
i)                    Shodhana Vashti: It is used to expel the doshas forcibly
ii)                  Snehana Vathi: It is used for Oleation purpose
iii)                Lekhana vasthi: Used to scrape out excess deposition of adipose tissue/Medho dhatu or Kapha dosha
iv)                Brumhana vasthi: Used to nourish all the Saptha Dhathus (Anabolic)

According to Vagbhata.
a)      Utkleshana vasthi: It increases the quantity of dosha or mala
b)      Dosha hara vasthi: It is like shodhana vasthi in which doshas are expelled out.
c)      Shamana vasthi: It helps in the palliation of vitiated doshas

According to Sharngdhara
Besides the above, he explained Pichila Vasthi: Vashti given with sticky or slimy substance(drugs) to control atisara like (diarrhea) disorders. And also Deepana vasthi: it is used to regularize the intensity of jataraagni. (Digestive fire)