Dhatu Rog / Spermatorrhoea

Spermatorrhoea or Dhatu Rog.

Spermatorrhea is the condition in which there is involuntary discharge of the vital fluid (semen or prostatic fluid). When it occurs at night, the condition is called Nocturnal emission and is generally accompanied by ‘erotic dreams’, but in cases of extreme debility may even occur without dreams. During waking hours, it may occur from sexual excitement caused by flirting with girls, reading obscene literature, seeing lewd pictures, gazing at the love scenes of animals or human beings (pornography) etc.. It may also occur due to the passage of hard stool through the rectum thereby causing pressure effect to the Prostatic gland.

      An occasional emission at night, say once in a fortnight or in some cases even once in a week is of no serious consequences, if it is not followed by any symptom of weakness or irritability, but on the other hand leaves only a sense of ease and comfort for the body and mind. If it occurs too frequently and is followed by weakness, irritability, mental depression, inability to concentrate, dyspeptic symptoms, any other mental and physical symptoms, the condition should be viewed with concern. The patient narrates his condition to his friends from whom he gets an exaggerated account of the evil consequences of his ailments which constantly fills his mind with evil forebodings rendering him incapable for any useful walk of life. He approaches the so-called specialists, many of them are quacks and imposters, and grabs at the much advertised specifics as a drowning man would catch at a straw. Experiments with these quack remedies, one after another in quick succession, results only in depletion of his monetary resources and finally when he realizes the truth that these so called specifics, for emissions and sexual weakness are only the sources of income of unscrupulous and mercenary minded quacks who earn their living by taking advantage of the fears and anxieties of their weak-minded fellow-creatures, he finds he is badly debilitated and almost impotent. My advise to these patients is that they should not be hoodwinked by these advertisements. Homoeopathic or Ayurvedic treatment or  both combined, if properly done, along with the observance of certain rules of health which are enumerated below, will cure any case of seminal emissions and weakness, leaving behind no bad effects.

      If the patient is hypochondriacal and melancholic owing to repeated loss of vital fluid, a change of environment will facilitate a cure. The bowel should be kept open by natural means and not by using laxatives. Good abdominal exercises such as the yoga poses(asanas), swimming, walking, jogging, are very conducive to the health of the abdominal organs which is quite essential for a normal and natural bowel movement. The patient should finish his night meals before sunset or just immediately after sunset, as the cause of the emissions in many case is an overloaded stomach. A glass of warm water mixed with the juice of half a lemon without the addition of sugar or salt may be taken on going to bed and on getting up from the bed in the morning. This will help in effecting a natural bowel movement. Before going to sleep, clean the prepuce or the skin covering the glans penis with cold water and also wash the legs with cold water below the knees. Too much walking or running as involved in football or other games should not be indulged in after 4. P.M as this causes congestion or rush of blood to the parts near about the sexual organs and may tend to cause an emission. The Yoga Asana named Sirsh Asan may be considered almost as specific in the treatment of this condition, which was performed daily by the late Prime Minister Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru, and to which he attributed his never-failing health.

      The technique in performing it should be studied under someone who knows how to do it but it is worth studying it and doing it regularly as it is very efficacious in the treatment of most cases of seminal weakness.
Tobacco in all forms as chewing, smoking, snuffing etc.. and all stimulants like strong tea, coffea, alcohol etc …should be absolutely abandoned by the patients as all the stimulants have some aphrodisiac properties, i.e,  a power to excite sexual passion. Plenty of simple but nourishing food should be taken in order to give the body the necessary food elements which the body is deprived of. 

The mind should be kept constantly engaged in some good work as the “Idle brain is the devil’s workshop”, Spend a few minutes daily morning and night in prayer, meditation of the Almighty and let the brain be filled with good and pious thoughts while lying on bed awaiting sleep.

For the proper treatment, you can counsult Aayur Home doctors.
Call us at +91 9496 81 43 81