Anuvasana (Sneha) Vasthi

Anuvasana (Sneha) vasthi
          It is used in two ways as a supportive treatment for asthapana(decoction enema) in different protocols like yoga vasthi, kala vasthi, karmavasthi and as a kevala snehavasthi in the form of matravasthi. Mainly used in conditions of vatha for the purpose of snehana but in some cases like arsas, vasthi like Pippalyadi Anuvasana can be given.

Indications of Anuvasana Vasthi
All the indications of decoction enema is also indicated for Oil Enema
Persons having Ruksha (dry) body, having a strong agni and suffering from only Vatik disorders (kevala vata) are also indicated for Anuvasana vasthi

Contra-indications of Anuvasana Vasthi   
All the contraindications of decoction enema is also contraindicated for Oil enema
a)      Persons on empty stomach
b)      Suffering from fever of recent origin (nava jwara)
c)      Anaemia (pandu)
d)      Jaundice (kamala)
e)      Diabetes (prameha)
f)        Heamorrhoides (Arsha)
g)      Rhinitis (peenasa, pratishyaya)
h)      Splenic disorders (pliha)
i)        Kaphaja udara
j)        Diarrhea (athisara)
k)      Poisoned state (Visha)
l)        Conjuctivitis of Pitta & Kapha (Abhishyanda Of Pittaja & Kaphaja)
m)    Filariasis (Shleepada)
n)      Cervical lympadenitis etc…

Materials required:
1.                  Plastic polythene cover/ traditional putaka with vasthinetra
2.                  Gloves
3.                  Vessels
4.                  Anuvasana taila / ghrita (chikkana paka) - 1/4th of asthapana
5.                  Hot water for warming the sneha.

Preoperative procedure-

        Food is given just before Anuvasana as prescribed by the physician.

·                    After taking food patient should walk little distance.
·                    Then advice the patient to lie down on the left lateral position with his   
            right leg flexed at knee and hip, left leg kept straight and left hand below  
            the head.
·                    Warmed sneha is taken in polythene cover.
·                    Wearing the hand gloves, per rectal examination is carried out to rule out  
            loaded rectum, or any other obstruction.
·                    Then the vasthinetra is carefully introduced into the anal canal in the  
            direction of vertebral column.
·                    Snehadravya should be pushed with uniform force not too slow not too
·                    A little amount of snehadravya should be retained in the container and
            vasthinetra is removed slowly.

Time of administration:

Usually between 1-2pm. (Just after lunch)

 Post operative:-
·              Patient should lie supine.
·              Mild massage over abdomen is given.
·              Bend his legs at the knee, and buttocks are hit by his heels.
·              Patient is allowed to lie with pillow under his thighs.
·              Patient is advised to attend his urge.
·              For all purpose warm water should be used.
·              Till the sneha comes out, patient is not allowed to eat anything.
·              Usually sneha comes out with faeces within 1-5 hours.


      Abdominal pain: 
                                  Rx:   Hinguvachadi / ashta /vaisvanara choorna.