Welcome to Aayur Home: The Relief Home for all the Sufferers of Various Chronic and Incurable diseases to regain the Real Health and to Sustain their Life.
Aayur Home is a Comprehensive Integrated Medical Centre Combing Ayurveda (the most ancient medical science of India) & Homoeopathy (the system of treatment based on the principle Similia Similibus Curanter by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of Germany.
AayurHome treats almost all the sufferings of the patients, diseases of animals and plants by using the combined treatment methodology using various Alternative Medicines including Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Traditional Marma Chikitsa, Panchakarma, Yoga, Naturopathy, Biochemic Medicines, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Hijama therapy, Medical Astrology, Spiritual Medicines, Mantra chikitsa (Bhoota Chikitsa Or Graha Chikitsa), Hypnotherapy..etc..by Scientific Clinical evalution of the Conditions of the patients by analysing the vitiated Dosha, Dooshya, Mala..etc...and also the Miasmatic State of the patients, the energy levels, the variation of vital force, the level and flow of energy in the Meridians, the Gati (movement) of the doshas, the order of the Satwa, Rajas and thamo gunas of the mind.
Aayur Home is a Comprehensive Integrated Medical Centre Combing Ayurveda (the most ancient medical science of India) & Homoeopathy (the system of treatment based on the principle Similia Similibus Curanter by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann of Germany.
AayurHome treats almost all the sufferings of the patients, diseases of animals and plants by using the combined treatment methodology using various Alternative Medicines including Ayurveda, Homoeopathy, Traditional Marma Chikitsa, Panchakarma, Yoga, Naturopathy, Biochemic Medicines, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Hijama therapy, Medical Astrology, Spiritual Medicines, Mantra chikitsa (Bhoota Chikitsa Or Graha Chikitsa), Hypnotherapy..etc..by Scientific Clinical evalution of the Conditions of the patients by analysing the vitiated Dosha, Dooshya, Mala..etc...and also the Miasmatic State of the patients, the energy levels, the variation of vital force, the level and flow of energy in the Meridians, the Gati (movement) of the doshas, the order of the Satwa, Rajas and thamo gunas of the mind.