Vamana is the one of the therapeutic procedure among PANCHAKARMA where forceful expulsion of vitiated doshas especially KAPHA Dosha through mouth following administration of Vamanoushadhi (Emetics). The expelled Material consists of Indigested food, Vitiated kapha and pitta.
The purvakarma (pre-procedure) snehana(oleation) and swedana (sudation) causes softening and liquification of the doshas, that brings the mobilized dosha to reach the Koshta(Gastro Intestinal Tract), to expelled it out through Vamana or Virechana(purgation) or by Niruha Vasthi(Decoction-enema)

To Whom VAMANA to be performed:
It is indicated to do Emesis for the elimination of vitiated Doshas not only in diseased condition but also in healthy condition (after the vasantha ritu-autumn) for the preservation of health.
The Diseases that can be cured by inducing Vomiting Are:
i)                    Peenasa (Allergic Rhinitis, Sinusitis)
ii)                   Kushta ( Skin Diseases)
iii)                 Navajwara ( In the early period of Pyrexia)
iv)                 Rajayakshma (Wasting diseases)
v)                  Kasa (Cough)
vi)                 Swasa (Dysnoea)
vii)               Gala-Graha (Stiffness of neck)
viii)              Sleepada (Filariasis)
ix)                 Galaganda (lymphadenitis)
x)                  Prameha (Diabetes)
xi)                 Mandaagni (loss of appetite)
xii)               Vishuchika (Pain in abdomen/ Cholera)
xiii)              Alasaka (Distension of abdomen)
xiv)             Visha peeta (Poisoned Condition)
xv)               Adho Rakthapitta (Bleeding from lower parts)
xvi)             Arochaka (loss of taste for food)
xvii)            Durnama/Arsha(Heamorrhoides/Piles)
xviii)          Hrillasa (Watering from mouth/ Excess salivation)
xix)             Grandhi ( Benign Tumours)
xx)               Apasmara ( Epilepsy)
xxi)             Unmada (Insanity)
xxii)            Atisara (Diarrhoea)
xxiii)          Shopha ( Dropsy/ Anasarca)
xxiv)          Pandu (anaemia)
xxv)           Mukah Paka ( Aphthae)
xxvi)          Stanya dushti (Vitiation of Breast milk)
xxvii)        Arbuda ( Cancer)
xxviii)       Chitta Vibramsa (Disorders of mind)
xxix)          Visarpa (Erysipelas)
xxx)           Vidradhi (Abscess)
xxxi)          Karna srava (Otorrhoea)
xxxii)        All Kapha vikara……

VAMANA (Emesis) is prohibited for the persons who are:
  1. Emaciated due to trauma
  2. Obese.
  3. Very lean.
  4. Exhausted by any means
  5. Thirsty for large quantities of water
  6. starved
  7. Indulging in excessive sexual intercourse, Excess Exercise
  8. Anxious
  9. Pregnant
  10. Suffering from Bleeding Disorders from upper tract
  11. Pathological vomiting
  12. Cardiac Diseases
  13. Obstruction of Urine
  14. Spleenomegaly
  15. Distension of abdomen
  16. Ascitis
  17. Cataract
  18. Pain in eyes
  19. Pain in ears…etc..

Even though many contraindications are described, the physician can administer vamana drugs in cases of emergency or in cases of complications arising out of Poison, incompatible foods or ama. In these conditions emesis should be done immediately because Visha(poison), Ama etc are quite toxic to the body and if not removed immediately can destroy life.

Materials required:-
1.            Large Basin                  –1
2.            Medium sized vessel     - 2
3.            Steel glass (capacity-250ml)- 2
4.            Table spoon                 - 2
5.            Khalwa yanthra            - 1
6.            Stool                             -1
7.            Chair with arm rest       –1
8.            Cotton cloth-                -2
9.            Hot water bath vessel   -1
10.        Stove                           - 1

Pre-operative procedure:-
1. Preparation of the patient:-

·  The patient should be made samyakasnigdha by proper snehapana.
·  On attaining samyaksnigdhalakshanas, Abhyanga and Ooshmasweda are       done on next day.
·  On the second day Abhyanga and ushmasweda
·   Kaphothkleshakara aharas are given in the afternoon. 

2. Preparation of medicine:-
·       Vamanadravya
1.      Madanaphalachoorna-           3 to 5 gms
2.      Vachachoorna-                      5 gm
3.      Yashtimadhuchoornam-         7.5 gm
4.      Honey       -                           QS
5.      Saindhava-                            15 gm
·       Milk-   4 to 6 litres
·       Hot water – QS
·       Karpooradi or Haridradi varthi-  1
·       Oil-    QS


  • The patient should be anointed with proper oil followed by proper svedana.
  • All these process should be completed around 7am.
  • He should then be seated on a chair facing a basin kept on a stool.
  • At first the patient should be given around 6 glasses of milk to facilitate easy bouts of vomiting as well as to prevent the complication of forceful vomiting.
  • After that the medicine for vamana should be administered.
  • Advice the patient to sit comfortably and concentrate on the forth coming signs of vomiting.
  • The maximum time interval for the first bout to occur should not exceed more than 48minutes after the medicine is given.
  • The physician should observe for the following signs
    1. Sweating
    2. Horripilations
    3. Distention
    4. Salivation
    5. Oppression in chest etc
  • Vomiting usually occurs following the appearance of this/these sign/s. 
  • The patient is asked to bend forward and vomit into the basin kept in front.
  • Simultaneously the two flanks and fore head of the patient should be held by another person
  • His umbilical region and back should be massaged in upward direction.
  • The appropriate dravadravyas are administered in between if necessary.
  • If the bouts are not coming up easily, then the patient is asked to bring the bouts manually by tickling his throat either with his fingers or a soft tube without injuring the throat.
  • Vamana is continued till the samyak lakshanas are seen viz. pittanta (most preferable)/ sufficient kapha chardhana/shareera laghutha-kosta laghavata/dourbalya.

Post operative procedure

·        The patient should be asked to wash his face with luke warm water followed by Dhoomapana with karpooradi or haridradi varthi.

Complications and management
·        Haemetemesis
            Lajatharpana with sitha.
·        Feeble pulse, Giddiness, Collapse.
               Sidhamakaradhwajam with honey and betel juice,
               Drakshadi kashaya, Dhanwantharam gulika.               
·        Heena Vega
        Pippali Choorna, Amalaki Choorna, Sarshapa Choorna , Lavanodaka

For more details contact our eminent doctors.